The future is a scary prospect, one which many people don’t want to face. A lot of people carry on going through education until they finally have to step out in to the real world. Most of those people are quite startled, understandably. Those people have been living in a bubble for a long time. I see those people as birdies who are just learning to fly.
I always considered myself determined and gifted with the sight of destiny. I always knew where I wanted my legs to carry me. I always knew what I wanted and where I wanted to go. There came a point in which I had a revolutionary thought. Does anybody really know where they are going? We have desires and dreams but every day is a different journey, a surprise.
I always wanted to become an author or some form of writer. I remember being younger and writing prose frequently. I was desperate for credit, for somebody to acknowledge what I was creating. It took a while but that day finally came. I believe it started out because I used ‘Exasperated’ in my work as a ten year old. From that day forth I became known as ‘The Dictionary Girl’ as I would read the dictionary searching for words I had never heard of to incorporate in to my work.
I created worlds for myself in my brain. I would just stare in to space and would happily go to one of those places. I went there in dreams too. I still do. I dabbled in poetry a few times and felt a sense of liberation when I created one. I now delve in to poetry instead off dabble. I create poetry frequently.
My other dream is to move to London. Oh how I love that city. I love the scenery, the people and the possibilities. This one is less likely but I always imagine myself at fancy parties with good looking men and some wonderfully intelligent women to converse with.
Everybody wishes for fairy tales but are fairy tales really so far away from what we can achieve. Life brings great surprises and if you just believe, you may just live your fairy tale.
The magic never dies. The worlds never end. Imagination is a gift, a wonder. Imagination is essential for any writer.
I have been very fortunate in my seventeen years on this earth. I have travelled to some wonderful places. I have met some amazing people, my best friends very much included. I have accumulated many books and many perfumes. I read a lot and reading has taught me so many lessons. I have been fortunate to be blessed with a wonderful family and wonderful parents even though I don’t say it very often.
I have also had many pets, well, fish and rabbits. The fish and rabbits all sadly died. I now have a cat called Millie who is two years old.
So, what I am trying to say is, I don’t know where I am going to eventually end up. I do have an idea of where I want to go. I don’t know what will happen after that. I am going to continue this journey with a few changes and try to make my life the best it can be.