Sunday 22 December 2013

My Reichenbach Fall Theory

So, for all of you who have seen The Reichenbach Fall will know what I am going to talk about. The dreaded fall from the roof that turned so many of us in to a puddle of feels. This is just going to be things I have spotted and theorised about the episode.

First things first, music. I believe that music plays a big part in the episode because when Moriarty comes to visit 221B Baker Street, he talks about Bach not being able to cope with an unfinished melody which Sherlock replies with 'Neither can you, that's why you've come'. The psychological game not only is a game but a piece of music, a melody. As we all know, Sherlock plays the violin. Another musical reference is during the showdown between Moriarty and Sherlock when Moriarty spots Sherlock tapping his fingers as Moriarty does. Sherlock proceeds to say 'beats like digits' and beats are found in music.

A few things were spotted in Kitty Riley's house such as the lettering on the wall that reads 'Make Believe' which refers to the theme of fairytales and stories which is featured greatly in this episode. Also during the time spent at Kitty Riley's house, when Sherlock is speaking to Kitty about who spoke to her on the phone, he says 'Never trust the voice at the end of the telephone' which I believe is a reference to on the roof when Sherlock tells John he is a fake over the telephone. With regards to all this, a few people have spotted a part in Sherlock's goodbye speech or his suicide note that he says 'it's just a trick, just a magic trick' which is supposed to be about the whole persona of his genius but others have read between the lines for it to mean him committing suicide to be a magic trick.

Now to my theory on how he may have done it is, at first I thought about the conveniently placed garbage truck which may have something to do with it but it may not. I believe that where Sherlock makes John stand has something to do with it which is a well known theory because with this, the people Sherlock Holmes has hired to help him can set up the relevant things prepared for his 'suicide'. Also, previously before that, he asks molly if she could help him by saying 'I'm not everything you think I am, everything I think I am, would you still be willing to help me?' to which she replied with 'what do you need?' and Sherlock said 'you'. So, Molly may or may not have helped Sherlock commit suicide but he made sure she thought he was a fake by telling her he wasn't everything she thought he was and also by telling John to tell anyone who will listen to him including Molly that he was a fake. 

When Sherlock jumped, on John's way to Sherlock, he was knocked over by a cyclist which I believe Sherlock had set up to disorientate John. Another part of my theory is Mycroft, I believe that Mycroft did not dish the dirt on Sherlock as a weakness, I believe he and Sherlock had this planned for a while. Mycroft had to pretend to John that he had done it accidentally. During the conversation between John and Mycroft, Mycroft says 'people like him, we watch them' so they have been watching Moriarty for a while now. 

Regarding Kitty Riley, I think she may also have something to do with it as originally she wanted to be on his side. In the end she said to him 'you repel me'. I think he may have gotten her on side in the end. 

The IOU thing is a mystery to me because I believe that IOU stands for something but I'm not quite sure what. Moriarty carved IOU in to the apple, he also repeats it often. It is also written on the wall behind Sherlock and John before they become fugitives. In The Great Game Sherlock says 'The Art Of Disguise is knowing how to hide in plain sight' so how he did it must be right in front of our eyes. Moriarty says 'IOU a fall Sherlock, IOU' so I believe that Sherlock didn't actually jump off the roof, it was either Moriarty or somebody else. Moriarty and Sherlock knew each other for a while so maybe Moriarty does owe him something. Moriarty also gives himself the name Richard Brook which translates as Reichenbach which is the case that made Sherlock's name but what was that case, that's my question?

Also, in this episode it appears Sherlock is quite angry and in shock at times and panic but I think that it's a facade for the people watching him such as the hitmen. Also, Sherlock is most likely the person responsible for John believing that Mrs.Hudson has been shot to get him away. Sherlock says 'Alone is what I have, alone protects me' and John replies with 'nope, friends protect people' which John doesn't realise is what he is doing or at least trying to do. 

This is all my brain can manage for now but it isn't long to wait till we find out how he did it on New Years Day at 9:00 on BBC One. I cannot wait. 

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