Sunday, 22 December 2013

My Reichenbach Fall Theory

So, for all of you who have seen The Reichenbach Fall will know what I am going to talk about. The dreaded fall from the roof that turned so many of us in to a puddle of feels. This is just going to be things I have spotted and theorised about the episode.

First things first, music. I believe that music plays a big part in the episode because when Moriarty comes to visit 221B Baker Street, he talks about Bach not being able to cope with an unfinished melody which Sherlock replies with 'Neither can you, that's why you've come'. The psychological game not only is a game but a piece of music, a melody. As we all know, Sherlock plays the violin. Another musical reference is during the showdown between Moriarty and Sherlock when Moriarty spots Sherlock tapping his fingers as Moriarty does. Sherlock proceeds to say 'beats like digits' and beats are found in music.

A few things were spotted in Kitty Riley's house such as the lettering on the wall that reads 'Make Believe' which refers to the theme of fairytales and stories which is featured greatly in this episode. Also during the time spent at Kitty Riley's house, when Sherlock is speaking to Kitty about who spoke to her on the phone, he says 'Never trust the voice at the end of the telephone' which I believe is a reference to on the roof when Sherlock tells John he is a fake over the telephone. With regards to all this, a few people have spotted a part in Sherlock's goodbye speech or his suicide note that he says 'it's just a trick, just a magic trick' which is supposed to be about the whole persona of his genius but others have read between the lines for it to mean him committing suicide to be a magic trick.

Now to my theory on how he may have done it is, at first I thought about the conveniently placed garbage truck which may have something to do with it but it may not. I believe that where Sherlock makes John stand has something to do with it which is a well known theory because with this, the people Sherlock Holmes has hired to help him can set up the relevant things prepared for his 'suicide'. Also, previously before that, he asks molly if she could help him by saying 'I'm not everything you think I am, everything I think I am, would you still be willing to help me?' to which she replied with 'what do you need?' and Sherlock said 'you'. So, Molly may or may not have helped Sherlock commit suicide but he made sure she thought he was a fake by telling her he wasn't everything she thought he was and also by telling John to tell anyone who will listen to him including Molly that he was a fake. 

When Sherlock jumped, on John's way to Sherlock, he was knocked over by a cyclist which I believe Sherlock had set up to disorientate John. Another part of my theory is Mycroft, I believe that Mycroft did not dish the dirt on Sherlock as a weakness, I believe he and Sherlock had this planned for a while. Mycroft had to pretend to John that he had done it accidentally. During the conversation between John and Mycroft, Mycroft says 'people like him, we watch them' so they have been watching Moriarty for a while now. 

Regarding Kitty Riley, I think she may also have something to do with it as originally she wanted to be on his side. In the end she said to him 'you repel me'. I think he may have gotten her on side in the end. 

The IOU thing is a mystery to me because I believe that IOU stands for something but I'm not quite sure what. Moriarty carved IOU in to the apple, he also repeats it often. It is also written on the wall behind Sherlock and John before they become fugitives. In The Great Game Sherlock says 'The Art Of Disguise is knowing how to hide in plain sight' so how he did it must be right in front of our eyes. Moriarty says 'IOU a fall Sherlock, IOU' so I believe that Sherlock didn't actually jump off the roof, it was either Moriarty or somebody else. Moriarty and Sherlock knew each other for a while so maybe Moriarty does owe him something. Moriarty also gives himself the name Richard Brook which translates as Reichenbach which is the case that made Sherlock's name but what was that case, that's my question?

Also, in this episode it appears Sherlock is quite angry and in shock at times and panic but I think that it's a facade for the people watching him such as the hitmen. Also, Sherlock is most likely the person responsible for John believing that Mrs.Hudson has been shot to get him away. Sherlock says 'Alone is what I have, alone protects me' and John replies with 'nope, friends protect people' which John doesn't realise is what he is doing or at least trying to do. 

This is all my brain can manage for now but it isn't long to wait till we find out how he did it on New Years Day at 9:00 on BBC One. I cannot wait. 

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Little Favour Review

The Short film Little Favour came out at midnight on the 5th of November. I had pre-ordered this weeks before and was very excited to see it as my idol Benedict Cumberbatch is starring in it. 

It is indeed a short film of 22 minutes. The story follows a man called Wallace(Benedict Cumberbatch) and he has just come back from the army. His friend who saved his life in the army asks for a 'Little Favour' where the title comes from but the favour goes very wrong and Wallace is forced to fight for his life and another life. 

I don't want to spoil to much for people who have seen it but I watched it as soon as it was released which I stayed up for, sleep could wait ! I can safely say that it was amazing and full of action for a short 22 minute film. All of the actors did an amazing job. The film was produced by Adam Ackland and Benedict Cumberbatch I believe, they are the best of friends. The production company is called Sunny March and this is their first short film, and I hope the first of many.

This short film has an important message however as Benedict said in an interview, he said 'This film has a message about child soldiers, and 40% of child soldiers are girls'. I believe that when a film has a message as well, that makes it even more satisfying because it isn't just there for entertainment, it stands for something. The actors involved did a great job of establishing that and I really do hope to see more in the future. 

If you haven't seen it yet then go on to iTunes and purchase it because it is definitely worth the watch. Enjoy!

Monday, 26 August 2013

A life full of music

Pink Floyd, The Beatles, Oasis etc. They are the bands that really got me in to music. That was when I was 8 or 9 years old. My dad decided he wanted to start playing the guitar and started listening to all of these bands and I didn't have an iPod then so I was forced to listen to them in the car and I started to really like the music. I am 16 now and I still listen to those bands everyday along with a load of other bands and artists. An artist I have been really liking ever since her album Born to die was advertised on the TV is Lana Del Rey. I remember when I first heard Born to die, It was winter of 2011 and I was sat on my bed and I heard a bit of the song on the advert and fell in love with the song. I bought the album on iTunes and listened to it over and over. I still do, along with her other album, or extended album Paradise.

Music is a big part of my life as blogging is. I love to write articles and listen to music. I find that music is a big part of everybody's life, it can vary, people like different genre's such as Classical, Classic Rock, Pop, Rap, R&B, the list goes on. I have been finding myself listening to a bit of classical lately, particularly Gothic pieces and Victorian period pieces. I just really love it. I take my iPod everywhere. 

I also find that music is a way of bonding with somebody. I find myself meeting new people and asking what music they like, as I did only this week with a girl I met at college enrolment day. Turns out we like the same music. I do think music is a big part of society and people turn to song lyrics as a way of listening to how they feel. Songwriting is a form of poetry, it's a form of art. 

Music has changed a lot through time, it always will but the older things are never forgotten. They are the foundations for music. Some music I like has a form of orchestration involved such as Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds which I am very fond of.

Music will never die out, it's always around and it will stay that way till the end of time.

Friedrich Nietzsche once said 'Without music, life would be a mistake'

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

A backwards society

Today's society, is, well it's pretty disgusting. The way society judges people is disgusting. Once one person starts to judge, the rest follow until everybody in society is judging that one person, and that one person, well, they commit suicide.

Why does it need to be this way. It doesn't really though, does it. People just judge somebody without really getting to know them. It's easy to pass a judgement but it isn't easy to have a suicide you caused on your conscience is it. You may say that the one comment you make doesn't stop the breath they take but that one comment could be the hands that push them off that bridge or put those tablets in their mouth. You never know how they feel because you don't think about what you say.

People I know have been bullied and feel like that they are worth less than other people but that is very untrue but of course, they don't believe that. That is part of the problem. You are brought up in society but then years later, they wait until you've turned your back, ready to stick the knife in, one of many.

It's really getting out of hand and what infuriates me the most is when people call me names and my friends. Why do people have to be so revolting ? I don't know the answer to that either. Maybe you can tell me. We've had quite a lot of suicides due to bullying such as the young girl who was bullied on Ask Fm. 

I just hope that the bullies think before they speak and realise the effect they have on other people and that they don't end up with death on their conscience.

Sunday, 11 August 2013

Justice or no Justice, that is the question.

Last year, I did my work experience at a Magistrate Court and it was really interesting to see what kind of crimes were taking place and how they were dealt with. They allowed to us to take notes but they could not be too detailed as the information was confidential. I got to thinking about the justice system and how things are dealt with and it turns out, not very well.

I was watching a programme before on police here in England, they had gone to search their house and found loads of weapons but they hadn't found the one they were originally searching for so they got a caution. What does that say to them, that they can get away with having a few weapons. Our justice system is all wrong. Murderers are only getting 4 years but the teacher who ran away with his student gets a lot more than that, it truly is backwards.

It is very worrying to know things like this because you really do start to wonder, who do the justice system really protect ?

This is something that needs changing but I don't think it will be changed anytime soon as other things take over which is a problem. I don't believe that I am the only person who shares this opinion, however some people seem to think the same opinions but never bother to bring them to attention so the justice system and the government just believe that we will go along with anything.

Saturday, 20 July 2013

The Ocean At The End Of The Lane By Neil Gaiman

I picked up this book out of the reason that I had heard a million good things about it so I decided to pick it up. I read the quotes inside of the book and thought I would see how I felt about it.

We are introduced to a man who visits a house and asks for Lettie who doesn't seem to be there because is still away. He receives some food from Old Mrs.Hempstock and goes to sit by the Ocean and then we follow his journey as a little boy which I won't spoil.

The story of his childhood is incredibly entertaining and creepy. He is a lonely little boy and he doesn't have many friends so he resorts to reading books instead. He feels like an outsider compared to his sister who is treated like an angel compared to him.

This story is one of the best stories I have read, it is not only imaginative but leaves a lasting effect of sadness and curiosity to the reader. This story is one you surely will never forget, no matter how you may try to shake the story from your brain, it will never go away, so if you pass this book, don't just walk by, take a step back and pick it up, it will not disappoint, I promise.
Great Job Neil :)

By Courtenay Gray

Tuesday, 2 July 2013

The Madness Underneath Book Review

The Madness Underneath is the second book in the trilogy or maybe series of The Shades Of London books by Maureen Johnson. The Madness Underneath is the follow up to The Name Of The Star. Last time, we were left with an amazing ending but it wasn't one that I feel was completely satisfying but there was obviously a reason for that, that reason being that there was going to be another book. 

I found the book as I was out shopping about a month or two ago, I walked past Waterstones and saw it, I then stepped backwards and looked at it properly and it was indeed the next book in The Shades Of London series or trilogy.

Without giving too much away, we are faced with a character called Aurora or 'Rory' as most people call her. She is an american girl who arrives at an English Boarding School. While she stays there, she discovers a society that is full of people who aren't quite the normal people. They all have something in common. Rory gets involved with these people and discovers that she is one of them.

The Madness Underneath followed up from The Name Of The Star and I felt that the beginning was a great way to start from the ending of the first book. There were many good points to this book such as character development  climax and transition. There aren't really any bad points except the endings, they leave me instantly wanting the next book and I can't wait for the next one, so well done Maureen !

Courtenay Gray

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Book Review: Timeless

Hello Everyone,

I have just finished reading Timeless By Alexandra Monir and what can I say, it was spectacular !

This book had me drawn from the start, I absolutely loved it. I was literally on the edge of my seat all the way through. This book differs from others as it was very enticing. The cover was what first drew me to it then I turned over and I really liked the brief summary, so I thought I would put the book to the test of whether the book would fulfill it's potential. It certainly did...

Now, without giving too much away, I will give you a brief summary of what it is about. A girl called Michele Windsor lives in New York with her mum, they are a normal family or so Michele thinks... 
When tragedy strikes, Michele is forced to move to Los Angeles with her Grandparents but this is a strange move as she doesn't understand why she is told to go to them under the circumstances. During the inspection, Michele finds something that keeps the clock ticking, backwards and forwards. 

To find out more, you should go and purchase this book because I know for a fact that you won't be disappointed. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and you will too. 

See you all in my next blog post,
Courtenay :)

Monday, 21 January 2013

The Name Of The Star Book Review

Hello Everyone, 

Due to the bad weather, my school is closed. So, I decided to do another book review for you all. The book I am going to review is 'The Name Of The Star' By Maureen Johnson.
I read this book last spring. I was looking for a book to read and at the weekend, I and my parents go to the city centre. I walked in to Waterstones and I started walking towards the Young Adult section. On my way there, these books caught my eye. These books were on offer for... '99p' ! What a bargain !

So, I didn't like the look of any of them apart from this one. The cover is so enticing. The girl especially being part of the sky over a graveyard, how enthralling. The last thing that caught my eye was the red writing which says 'Jack the Ripper returns'. 

I turned over the book to have a look at the blurb and was instantly hooked. I had to buy this book. I took it home and started reading. I believe that I read this book within a week.

This book was absolutely amazing, I loved it. Without giving to much away, I would say that it is about an American Girl who is sent to Boarding School in London. At the time, there is a killer around London who is replicating the famous Jack The Ripper. The girls at the boarding school are being stopped from going out but the main character Rory does not want to stop going out, maybe there's a certain reason why. Could she be hiding something so sinister that it could make all the people of London terrified? Well, buy it to find out, I guarantee that you won't be disappointed.

See you all in my next blog post,
Courtenay :) 

Sunday, 20 January 2013

Black Heart Blue Review

Hello everyone,

I am going to review a book I read last year in Easter. I was absolutely hooked on this book. I actually read the kindle version of this but you can buy the book at any book store near you.

The book is by a woman called Louisa Reid who I actually had a conversation with on twitter after I read this. I don't want to give to much away but this book is about twins called Hephzibah who is disfigured and Rebecca. They have two parents but they aren't who they appear to be to the public. Drastic things happen in this book and your heart is constantly racing throughout this read. I definitely recommend this book to anybody who loves a good action packed and eventful book.

Normally, in some books, the story takes a while to get in to but, no, not this time. You are drawn in in the first chapter which is definitely a good sign of a very good writer. Well done Louisa !

Also, this book reflects what can actually happen in reality. I really like this book and I would definitely read it again. 

I will be reviewing more books once I have read some more. I love reading as much as I love writing. See you all in my next post.

Courtenay :)

Friday, 18 January 2013

Bullying in schools

Hello Everyone,
at my school, in Citizenship, we have had to come up with a campaign. My groups campaign is Stopping Bullying In Schools.

At first, the angle we took on the campaign was plainly stopping bullying in schools and how it is happening. We started this off and found this difficult to research because we had to find out about people who disagree with the aims of our campaign. Well, there was a bit of a problem, how could anybody be against anti-bullying ?

So, with this in mind, our teacher decides to try and help us by leading us down a different path and make us take a different angle on this campaign. The way we started to go with it was that our campaign would try and get teachers and students to work together to beat bullying. This seems like a good idea because if you think about it, students alone can't stop bullying without an authority figure, likewise with teachers, they can't stop bullying without the students input. 

The people who disagreed would simply say that teachers are responsible for stopping bullying not the students. They would say that a lot of the students don't speak up because they are scared that the bullies might turn on them to but we have to try and stop this because with all the teen suicides, it is really getting out of hand. 

With all the research that we had made, we had to write up an essay which was a 3 hour exam. We still haven't got our marks yet but I am quite confident about my essay.

Now, the start of the campaign. We have to use social networking sites to campaign and this is part of it. Along with my twitter page: @CourtenaySGray
There is a facebook page:
On any one of those please show your support towards our campaign.

See you all in my next blog post :) 

Friday, 4 January 2013

Hello again !

Hello bloggers,

I hope you all had a very, Merry Christmas and an amazing New Year. I know I did. 

Now, it is 2013 and I have a good feeling that it is going to be a year to remember. I don't know what is in store for me this year but, I do know one good thing that's going to happen...
                                                                                                                   I LEAVE HIGH SCHOOL!
So, that will be amazing ! I'm really excited for the start of my future, although I will be only going to college, a lot of opportunities could arise.

So, this year, I will be blogging about different topics/idea's that come in to my head. Also, if you have any ideas for topics we could discuss then comment below and I shall read them.

I shall leave you now but I will be back soon,